The Marcaida Family [Fullerton Family Portraits]
Part two of my annual Gavin and Liam photo session. After having photographed their birthday blast at Funtopia weeks earlier, I reunited with the Marcaida family to document them in a more private setting. With no more rock climbing to be found, no cake or other sugary treats to devour, the boys improvised and put on a good show of their best leaping, piggy backing and karate chops. Hey, I'd be disappointed if these guys sat still the whole time - hah!
Even still, mom and dad were able to corral the boys when needed, and we captured some nice family moments we're usually not able take pause for during the bustle of the parties. So I'm really glad we made the time to schedule this separate session.
As always, Marcaida family, thanks again for keeping me in mind. You never disappoint, and it truly is a privilege to be recording your family's story year after year.