Stratham, NH Outdoor Family Portrait Session
Attitude really is everything during a session. Yes, the light, the cameras, and lenses are important, but those are the expected technical ingredients in the portrait session recipe. The real secret in the sauce are the people – both client and photographer alike. When the people involved in the session lead with positivity and a willingness to engage fully in the experience — even when Mother Nature isn’t cooperating — we conjure the fun, authentic interactions that make for memorable photographs.
For this family session in Stratham, NH, our original plan was an outdoor shoot while everyone was in town visiting. It’s never easy to sync everyone’s busy schedule for a family reunion, so when the rare opportunity does materialize, you have to make the session happen, rain or shine — because who knows when everyone will have the chance to get together again. On our session day, there was a light rain and postponing wasn’t an option. We considered shooting indoors, but space was tight and the energy just wouldn’t be the same. Instead, we worked under a canopy of trees, sheilding us from the weather and surrounding us with an evergreen backdrop of color. To stay as dry as possible, we first started the session with smaller groups dashing outside for their pictures, while the others stayed indoors. But with the kids hamming it up and joking around, everyone eventually stayed outside together to share in the collective fun. After all, this session was always about celebrating togetherness, and a little rain wasn't about to get in the way of that effort. There was no complaining about the drips and drops from above. No one was taking themselves too seriously or longing for the sun. Just smiles, laughs, and love.