Crane Estate Proposal Engagement Session
Daniel had to work a shift that afternoon, at least that’s what he told his girlfriend, J. But it was J’s birthday weekend, so Daniel’s sister would take J. on a visit to Crane Estate in Ipswich, MA to celebrate. Little did J. know that Daniel & I were already at Crane Estate, Daniel hiding in wait behind the manicured row of shrubs flanking the main hill as his sister deliberately walked J. down the grass toward me. I pretended to take pictures of the estate, right up until J. and Daniel’s sister were within range to ask if they’d like for me to snap some pictures of them with their cell phones. J. accepted the offer, it was her birthday weekend after all. And so with J. distracted by my picture taking, Daniel sprinted from hiding to magically appear at her side. J. startled. You’re not at work?, she probably first thought. And then came the ring…
I’ll always love being a part of these surprise proposals: the planning, the ruse, seeing it all come together. Crane Estate has a policy in place where you reserve a required 90 minute slot in order take family and engagement pictures on the property, so part of the plan involves coming up with creative reasons to visit the property with your partner and spring the surprise. Proposals can be nerve racking enough. So as your photographer, I’m there to guide you through each step of the planning: booking the time at Crane Estate, coordinating the big moment, and ensuring the surprise you have in mind comes together. I also hold an annual membership to The Trustees, which is also necessary to book a session at Crane Estate. And with your 90 minute window, definitely consider making the most of your time and staying beyond your surprise proposal for an engagement session. Daniel and J. were beyond overjoyed after the proposal, and I’m so glad we took the time to capture their giddy afterglow and delight!