The Sweeney Family [Malaga Cove Family Portraits]
It's hard to believe it's been just over a year since my last session with little "C". Sometimes, you don't realize how fast things change until you see life through pictures. A year older, "C" is now much more aware of what it means to participate in a photo session. She was beaming from ear to ear, enthusiastic about posing, and even brought along her own tiny camera and started composing shots of her own.
To combine a beach setting with something more terrestrial, I recommended we explore Malaga Cove Plaza and the nearby Malaga Cove Library and beach. I've shot here once before, and really enjoy the location for its quaint architecture, gardens, and seclusion. There's not a lot of foot traffic through here, making for a wonderfully private space.
Thanks again "C" and family for letting me chronicle your day! Enjoy the pictures!