Lucia + Rich [Point Dume Engagement]
The last time I shipped a taste of California to family out-of-state, was when I bought one of those little glass bottles with the colorful shells corked inside and a "Redondo Beach, CA" P-Touch slapped across the bottom. It was a fun souvenir, but really didn't communicate the California experience unique to me.
When Rich and Lucia told me of their plans to marry back home in the mid-west, we chatted about how to best capture the flavor of their engagement, here in their new home of Southern California. The surf, the sand, the seagulls... all so different from what their families are accustomed to miles away from the Pacific, and exactly the picture we wanted to paint for them to experience and enjoy.
Ever watched the original Planet Of The Apes, the scene with the Statue Of Liberty jutting out of the shoreline? That's Point Dume, Malibu, and the picturesque spot for our late afternoon session. A few rogue waves managed to soak us all early on, but that didn't stop us from having a blast, and we even managed to score the California crown jewel: a blazing sunset.
Have an amazing wedding, Rich and Lucia! And thanks again for letting me bottle up a little bit of California for you to take home.