Wagon Hill Farm Family Portrait Photography
Take a moment to think of that dream you’ve wanted to do or try — that bucket list item you’ve always intended to pursue, but the demands of day-to-day life have kept the dream filed away in that “I’ll Get To It Someday” drawer. I can certainly think of a few “Someday” projects of my own!
Jennifer and Kaitlin had such a dream — to disrupt their anchored routine in favor of freely traveling the country with their two young children. They sold their home, bought-converted-and-painted a school bus, and set off across America. “Someday”, their new home on wheels would be called, ready to celebrate what is known as the Skoolie Life.
When Kaitlin reached out to me for a session, they were a few weeks out from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and were hoping to capture some portraits of both the family and bus with the foliage. After checking out a few spots, I suggested Wagon Hill Farm in Durham, for its beautiful fields, early fall color, and an ideal spot to park the bus for pictures! I had such a great time on this shoot, and, most importantly, I'm thrilled to have been part of this family’s unique cross-country experience. If you are at all interested in learning more about their journey, bus conversion, or the skoolie lifestyle, check out their Instagram @somedaythebus and this great featured article on Apartment Therapy!
Please get in touch if I can help you capture your Someday moments now!