The Garcia Family [North Shore Family Portraits]
Another client reunion, this time with the Garcia family! I first worked with Vanessa and Andre on their wedding a few years back, so it was a wonderful treat to be asked to photograph their new addition to the family! She was super curious about the camera and didn’t shy away from me chasing her around while she enjoyed some quality time at the beach and park with mom and dad. Plus, what’s not to smile about at this age — especially when you’ll be a big sister soon!
Adjacent locations — like this park next to the beach — are always great spots for family sessions because the change keeps the kiddos engaged and brings some additional variety to the pictures as well. And as with this surf & turf shoot, one bit of advice is to save the surf (and all the water and sand that goes with it) for last. That way, you can capture the more formal shots first and then let the little one dive in and play at the close of the session.
Good seeing you again, Vanessa and Andre. Best to you and the family!