Salisbury Beach Family Portrait Session
Cameras and lenses are all-important to capturing great pictures, but even more essential to the memorable portrait equation is attitude and energy. You can have all the fancy gear, but if the photographer and client shy from bringing positive energy and attitude to the table, that absence is going to come across in the pictures. As the photographer, it’s important to arrive to a session with a mindset of positivity, because that energy is contagious, relaxes clients, and reminds everyone that the experience is one that will be fun, casual, and not intimidating. As the client, it’s also important to arrive to a session with an open frame of mind and willingness to trust and enjoy the experience. It’s normal for all to feel somewhat nervous or anxious, because that means we care and are invested in the outcome.
I feel fortunate that all of my clients have been wonderful to work with, because they always do bring an appreciated attitude and energy — especially this family! True to a common theme this summer, this was the first time this family was seeing each other in a while due to COVID, and they wanted to capture their reunion in pictures while renting a house Memorial Day Weekend in Salisbury Beach. Though warm, sunny skies prevailed the previous weekend, the holiday weekend was three days of unseasonably cold, raw, on/off rain, and there just wasn’t an opportunity to reschedule the session since some had flown into town. So we met regardless, and this session is a great example of what happens when you bring good spirits, laughter, playfulness, and love to a session — the positive thinking just punches through the murk and empowers you to frame the day as one to enjoy, even if Mother Nature wants to be an uncooperative grouch. Originally, this session was intended to be exclusively outdoors, but given the weather, the family had the awesome idea to start with a classic New England lobster fest indoors before hitting the beach.
It’s been a busy season with lots of bookings ahead. The summer calendar is nearing full, but if interested in learning more about a session for your family, do get in touch! Enjoy the season!