Rye, NH Family Portrait Photography
What a great family — and what a fun time this was! Celebrating Thanksgiving a week early while everyone’s schedule allowed for some together time, this family made the most of their reunion by inviting me to document their holiday at their family residence. With such a beautiful setting available to us — gorgeous red barn included — why go elsewhere when we could capture some lasting memories right in the comfort of their own home?
Contemporary family portraits are much more than the formal, posed sittings they were once long ago. Instead, portrait sessions are now an opportunity to share an experience with one another, not just with the camera. With the ever increasing pace of life, we all know how challenging it can be to coordinate everyone together for some collective down time. And so, when that opportunity to connect does happen — such as a photo shoot — that time is precious. Yes, it’s still a must to stage and photograph the traditional posed image during these sessions, but this asks that everyone share their attention with the camera, less so each other. So it’s equally important for the camera to step back and allow everyone space. This should be your time to relax, mingle freely, and appreciate the company of a successful reunion in this busy world. The camera will still be there, watching from the sidelines. And from this time will come images that are alive, unexpected, and true.
Many thanks again to the E. family for allowing me to share in this time with you!