Rye, NH Backyard Family Portrait Session
“Can we use our own yard as the location for our photo session?”
Absolutely! When scheduling a portrait booking, one of the first questions you might consider is what location should you choose for your session. And for sure, on your list of possible candidates, consider the property outside your own home. There’s a few benefits to shooting in your very own front or backyard. For one, your home setting is likely much more private than any public location, and some in your group may feel more at ease with that arrangement. Another great reason for staying close to home is if there are young children in the group — it’s simply easier sometimes to have them come outside and immediately start shooting while they are fresh verses piling into the car to hustle to a location. The same holds true for any elderly family members, who may have difficulty traveling offsite. Finally, photographing at your residence can capture a certain sentimental quality, as this is a place full of memories for you and your family.
Properties with some tree cover, foliage, landscaping, and accents like rocks or interesting architectural structures are all great contenders for a location. Keep in mind we will be shooting with the sun at your back, so our background options will be that area of your yard backlit by the sun. Big areas of open shade are also great. What we’ll want to avoid is posing you against a backdrop where the sun is shining directly in your face.
I had a great time shooting this late afternoon backyard family photo session in Rye, NH. Like many this year, this wonderful family was enjoying a long overdue reunion — and hosting their portrait session at home worked out perfectly for all the little ones involved. If you are curious about possibly using your yard for your photo session, definitely get in touch, and I can help advise if your property will work well for our session.