Newburyport Family Portrait Session at Waterfront Park
As the daffodils push through and the trees leaf out, springtime renews opportunities for outdoor portrait sessions. Here in New England though, there’s still a dash of wind and chill mixed in with the warming sun. That’s right, it’s short sleeves one hour and sweaters the next! So cheers to this family for bringing along plenty of warmth and cozy energy to their springtime session, despite Mother Nature dragging her feet turning up the thermostat.
We met for our hour family session at Waterfront Park, a beautiful spot with a boardwalk running along Newburyport’s downtown waterfront. In the summer, this location is hopping with families out for a stroll or taking in a music concert, but for our late afternoon April session, we pretty much had the park to ourselves. This is one of the big pluses of a springtime portrait session — popular locations are less busy than they are in the summer. And less crowds = more spots for photos, less navigating around strangers, and less work trying to keep other people out of our images. For this session, we took our time snapping pictures in the middle of the boardwalk for some of our images — a feat not really possible in the summer. The other positive of a springtime portrait session is that there’s a sense of renewed life in the air: grass greening, gardens blooming, kids back out at play. The light is cool and gentle, a flattering complement to the pastels, blues, and pinks in your spring wardrobe. The air might have a chill to it, but it’s crisp and alive with new beginnings. So get outside, it’s a beautiful time to celebrate all that you love and enjoy with family.