Newburyport Family Portrait Garden Session Photography
With the cooler days of autumn upon us, I thought it’d be nice to share a late summer family portrait session. This little guy sure enjoyed his time romping around the botanical gardens with mom and dad. At this age, a child’s curiosity is on par with a cat, and baby K. didn’t disappoint with his eagerness to explore all that was put before him — flowers, bouncy balls, a pinwheel, and an apple he was convinced had the clearance to fit in his mouth. Nice try!
When it comes to family sessions with toddlers, it’s important for parents to remember that their little ones are going to have both “good” moments in front of the camera, and probably just as many “hey, I’m a toddler, get me outta here!” moments. And that’s perfectly normal and okay. Thanks to the flexibility of digital photography, I always shoot extra when it comes to toddlers, because often times, you just never know what moment is coming up next. And from the many images that I shoot, I’ll always be able to curate plenty of better moments from the fussier ones. So, as a parent, what should you bring to your child’s portrait session? My recommendations are: food, a drink, pacifier, a change of clothes, and plenty of their favorite distractions (toys, rattles, pacifiers.). I love how mom and dad brought a book to this session — anything that will get the toddler to pause for a moment is definitely of value on a photo shoot. I’ll often bring props of my own, and the surprise factor of those is another great way to snag a child’s attention.
A big thanks to this family for choosing to work with me. Better luck next time, K., with the apple!