L + N Gloucester Wedding Elopement Photography
If you had a wedding scheduled for this summer — a wedding of the venue-variety, with lots of family, bridal parties, DJ, caterer — chances are you’ve already rescheduled your event for later this year or even the next. Our new social distancing norm has completely rewritten how we go about our lives for the time being, and big gatherings such as weddings are no exception.
But life must go on, and so must weddings — and it’s fantastic that L + N decided to reimagine their wedding and press on with their vows in the here and now. This was no easy decision, as their families would not be able to make the trip to Boston and be witness to their celebration. But there were some amazing positives to their choice to elope, the foremost being that their marriage would be a uniquely intimate exchange that afforded them the chance to focus exclusively on each other. No schedule to stick to, no hurried timeline. The moment was theirs alone to savor, and, as a photographer, a refreshing chance not to rush the newlyweds as we enjoyed our hour together.
Joined by their officiant, the four of us walked to a private stretch of Raymond’s Beach in east Gloucester, all the time keeping six or so feet apart. We were blessed with a beautiful Sunday afternoon (there would be May snow flurries the following weekend), and for at least that moment in time, I’d like to think we all forgot what was going on in the world.
L + N, congratulations, and thank you again for inviting me to be a part of your very special celebration!