The Juarez Family [Seal Beach Family Session]
I'm learning a lot from our newborn.
That it's okay to make silly faces. That it's okay to talk in funny voices. That it's okay to be a clown to earn a smile.
Come to think of it, I was okay with doing all of the above before we had our little girl, as evidenced here in this family shoot with Alejandra, Julian, and their beautiful daughter. See all those beautiful smiles? I cashed in a lot of goofy faces to earn those smiles -- her mom and dad, too. And it was all worth it. This session was a couple weeks prior to the delivery of our own daughter, and our baby girl was definitely on my mind while photographing Alejandra, Julian, and their toddler that late afternoon in Seal Beach.
Alejandra and Julian have become more than clients. I originally met them back in 2009 when I had the pleasure of being both their engagement and wedding photographer. I was so happy to hear about the arrival of their daughter, and even more elated to continue a tradition of documenting their family story. They've been extremely thoughtful to my wife & I as we start our own family, so my hope is these pictures will be something they can treasure for years to come. Like a wine, I really do believe pictures become more valuable with age. Go back 10 years, or even as little as 5, and look at the pictures you took then. It's amazing how fast things change, and you'll be so thankful you have them.
By the way -- that red trolley car in the photos is decommissioned. It's resting on a faux track in a tiny park. No kids on real railroad tracks, okay? :)
More weddings and portrait sessions to come...