Szewan + Chris [San Francisco City Hall Wedding]



I first met Szewan last year at Grace & Jeremy's wedding. Szewan was Grace's maid-of-honor, and after having seen how I work and viewing the resulting images from Grace's wedding, Szewan asked if I would be interested in photographing her event as well. Szewan and Chris' wedding was to be an intimate gathering at San Francisco City Hall, and seeing as how this was to be a destination wedding, I jumped on Skype with them so that we could all become a bit more familiar with each other and chat about the details of their day. I think many have the preconception of a "small wedding at City Hall" as being exactly that -- a quiet affair in a clerk's office with some paperwork and minimal fanfare -- so why fly in an out-of-town photographer? In truth though, San Francisco City Hall is a work of art. It begs to be photographed. I previewed the location online prior to the wedding, but that's nothing compared to walking through the front door and being consumed and humbled by the scale of it all.

In fact, I'm glad I showed up at City Hall a couple hours early. With 5 floors and maybe 30-40 minutes for portraits, I wanted to make the most of the space. I'm sure security got a laugh watching me zip from floor to floor. But seriously, you could shoot there all day and leave with so much more to discover. Szewan and Chris staged their ceremony on a private balcony overlooking the open rotunda. With everything bathed in a soft, photo-friendly light, this is definitely one of the most unique locations I've had the pleasure of shooting in.

After scurrying around all five floors of City Hall, we braved the winds at the Palace of Fine Arts for a few final shots and then retired to a cozy reception at Bocadillos.  After photographing all of the yummy tapas, sliders, and appetizers, what a treat it was to sample a few myself. I imagine I looked a wee bit like Tom Hanks did in Castaway after being rescued. A long, rewarding day's shoot gives you the wedding munchies!

Szewan and Chris, thanks so much for your hospitality, and for inviting me to town to share in your wedding day. I felt so at home with you both, Grace & Jeremy, and all your friends. Keep in touch everyone!

Ceremony: San Francisco City Hall  |  Portraits: Palace of Fine Arts  |  Reception & Catering: Bocadillos