Kacey + Danny [Malaga Cove Engagement]
Malaga Cove Plaza has forever been a drive-by for me, never the destination. Nestled in the hills of Palos Verdes at a four way intersection, the plaza's Spanish architecture commands a glance, but the traffic has always hustled me along before I could commit to popping the blinker and detouring for a peek.
A recent engagement session changed that. Kacey and Danny were hopeful for a location that offered a California blend of architecture and the outdoors, preferably a place where we wouldn't have to jockey with the weekend crowds for use of the space. Malaga Cove Plaza fit the bill perfectly, and little did I know just how much its curb appeal opens up to a cozy maze of nooks, archways, fountains, and cafes, some of the construction dating back to the 1920's. A short hike up the street brings you to Malaga Cove Library, and in the opposite direction, a contained desert garden ideal for those in need of some time alone.
Credit must also be given to Danny and Kacey for bringing along their personalized props. Hey, it's not every day you get to toss your future monogram in the air! They caught the letters, of course -- so no doubt that means good vibes for the wedding to come. Thanks again for making for such a great day Danny and Kacey!