Jocelyn + Michael [Wayfarer's Chapel Wedding]
Atop the hillside of Rancho Palos Verdes, sits the shining jewel that is Wayfarer's Chapel. Built in 1951 by the son of Frank Lloyd Wright, the church commands the eye with its floor-to-ceiling glass windows and a generous view of the Pacific from atop the bluff it resides.
Back in the fall, I happened to drive past Wayfarer's while shooting an engagement session with another couple in Palos Verdes. (Actually, we considered parking in their lot so we could shoot in the meadow across the street, but thought better of it - :) I hadn't photographed a wedding at Wayfarer's up until that time, but thought it'd be a treat to do so. About a week later, I received the timely call from M & J with an invite to document their event at the chapel and jumped at the chance to do so. I could finally park in Wayfarer's lot without the threat of a tow.
I was commissioned for a two hour session, enough to capture the ceremony inside the chapel, along with a bracket of time for portraits before and after the nuptials. We made away with some great moments and enjoyed what was the juiciest sunset I've had the pleasure of photographing.
Congrats again M & J! This will be my final post of 2010, but there's 3 weddings bouncing through the editing queue and will be sharing those come January. Until then, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!