Grace + Jeremy [Walt Disney Concert Hall Engagement]
Walt Disney Concert Hall is a downtown Los Angeles icon, a masterful recipe of intersecting planes and gleaming steel. The story goes that when the structure was first completed in 2003, light playing off the reflective surfaces beamed into nearby condos, gifting them with free in-home saunas and a pretty A/C bill. The offending surfaces were modified, and the hall remains a must-see attraction for many, especially the engaged and shutter bugs alike. I've seen many a photographer shoot wonderful work among these walls, and I was looking forward to try my hand here as well. That chance came with Grace and Jeremy, and the day did not disappoint.
Not only is the space full of beautiful, gooey light, but there's color dancing in the surfaces as well, and I thought that'd be an interesting aspect to push and pop. We shot in the late afternoon, with the sun cresting just above the architecture, and Jeremy and Grace did a fantastic job working the space. From there, we hiked deeper into downtown and canvased two other L.A. faves: historic Union Station and Olvera Street. Gobs more eye-popping color, aging patinas, architecture with old world soul, and sombreros. "No Pictures With The Hats", the sign barked, but you gotta go for it anyway!
Downtown L.A. gets a little bit I Am Legend when the sun starts to go down, so we hot tailed it back to the Concert Hall just as the nightlife started to crawl out of the woodwork. Much love though to the helpful onlooker at Union Station who hollered "Girl, get out of the way! Can't you see he's trying to take a picture!" to the straggler loitering in our shot. Hah! Much more effective than my limp "Excuse me, uhmm, would you mind moving aside a moment?" Dear bold stranger, I could use you on my shoots. Want a job?
Grace and Jeremy, I really had a blast with the session. Great moments, good laughs. Looking forward to reclaim the fun at your wedding next month!