Alejandra + Julian [Costa Mesa + Newport Beach Engagement]
Did you know the ferris wheel at Balboa Fun Zone in Newport Beach needs to be properly "balanced" while in operation? Sort of makes you think twice climbing aboard for a spin, eh? See, it seems Julian, Alejandra and I were the only ones game for a ride late that Sunday afternoon, and, rather than scoring a prime seat directly behind them, I was required to plant myself on the far opposite side of the wheel. Balance. (I know, two of them and one of me, but who's counting?). It was a mighty thrill composing shots through a 200mm lens while on spin cycle through the sky, in equilibrium with both a giant circle of steel, and two people I was jazzed to be spending the day with.
When Julian gave a thumbs up to shooting at the beach, and Alejandra had her sights on something a bit more urban and architectural, we opted for our own sense of balance and shot a little bit (actually,a lotta bit) of both! And I'm so glad we did because, when you're given the pleasure of enjoying the afternoon with the likes of Julian and Alejandra -- who are laughing it up and letting loose from the first snap of the shutter -- the hours zip by and the photography is a breeze.
Newport Beach and Balboa Pier made for great surf, while The Lab and The Camp in Costa Mesa served up the perfect turf. What a genuine treat it's going to be to share the day with you guys in October!