Coco Reprise [Los Angeles Lifestyle Portraits]
A couple weeks ago, I made mention of a portrait shoot that took place over the course of two weekends -- the first, outdoors at Redondo Pier and Manhattan Beach; the second, indoors at a studio in Downtown Los Angeles. We took lots of pictures, covered plenty of ground, and I retreated back to the studio for a couple weeks to pick out and polish up just the right ones. It was a really imaginative pair of sessions, with lots of forethought and collaboration between myself and Coco, a truly enthusiastic and go-getter client.
If you remember, Coco's initial intention was to reserve the images for her eyes only. But, after seeing her portfolio of pictures for the first time this weekend, and being thrilled with the results, Coco decided it'd be cool to share a few of the images here on the website with the rest of us. A pretty cool endorsement, don't ya think? These samples represent only a fraction of the images we came away with from the sessions, and I think it's just great we are now able to put a few of these out there for others to see.
Coco, thanks again for all of your energy, trust, and raves. You're a wonderful client, and a great person at heart.
Enjoy everyone!