"Seens" From Plum Island, MA
I recently returned from a trip back east, home once again to the Boston area. It was a great time to relax, visit family, and take in the sights of a landscape very different from that of Southern California. Within a week's time, we experienced snow, rain, and a tease of summer sun. That old adage for New England climate proves true: "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute."
On one of the more milder days, we made a trip over to Plum Island, renowed for its picturesque beaches and prized bird sanctuaries. Bird watching is serious business here, with many of the best beaches closed to the public and partitioned exclusively for feathered friends. Watch towers provide for an elevated view into the vast salt marshes, ideal for bird peeping and photography, while a maze of wooden boardwalks allow the curious to venture out into the wetlands and explore the habitats first hand. Ironically, with the wind blasting at full gale, nary a bird was in sight, save for a few ducks and geese.
Still, the dramatic stormy skies, secluded marshes, whipping sand, and vacant shorelines made for some cool captures.