The Bootan Family [Torrance Family Portraits]



One vibrant red umbrella. One cuddly stuffed animal. One pink toy radio. Two "J's".

Colorful trinkets that reflect the hearts of two equally colorful kids, Jean Claire and James.

A late afternoon stroll through the park set the stage for our session -- warm sunlight streaming through the trees -- as we stopped along the way at a playground, lingered amongst cool, vibrant architecture and enjoyed the serenity of the greens.

It's funny. Sometimes, kids need a bit of patient encouragement to have their picture taken. But at age five, Jean was more than eager to light up the afternoon with her smile and welcome the camera. In fact, I was told Jean Claire was very much looking forward to our shoot, and, after reviewing the pictures, I think her enthusiasm shows! Jean Claire knew just how to flash her pearly whites, mug for the lens, and just have fun.

Joining Jean Claire were her lovely mom, Jessie (make that THREE "J's"), and Jean Claire's new baby brother, James Caleb. Literally wrapped in swaddling clothing, James was the picture perfect baby, peeking out from behind his robes now and then to see what we were all up to. James didn't have any problem smiling, either. He just seem to have a knack for cheesing while I was occupied with Jean Claire. Ha! Eventually, I was able to sneak up on James and capture him in all his grinning glory. Babies -- you gotta be fast!

Thanks for the great time Jessie, Jean Claire, and James. I hope you and your dad (Jose Conrad) enjoy the pictures! A slideshow is on the way with plenty more.